05-28-2013 N. Stillest Hour NN4511126N. Hamakua xtruncata I have received numerous messages inquiring why the other carnivorous plants listed on leilaninepenthes.com are no longer available. After about two years of sales at Leilani Nepenthes Sam wanted to keep Leilani focused on just Nepenthes. I will still be running all retail sale at Leilani and we expect great new hybrids to be released. Keep an eye open for N. Caesarion a hybrid between N. Caesar x veitchii The last couple months I have been working on putting together a sales page on my other site the CCPS. After a few test orders everything seems to be up and running. I'm sure there will be a few small kinks to work out but for all intents and purposes the new sales page is live. Please take a look at http://coloradocarnivorousplantsociety.com/Plants-For-Sale/home.php N. spectabilis x hamata D. 'B52'
The site will feature mostly plants I'm able to propagate from my privet collection with a few odds and ends thrown in.
I will be selling Leilani Plants at the BACPS Show and Sale June 15th. Here is the BACPS site with more info http://www.bacps.org/show.html Thanks,-Jeremiah- Leilani Nepenthes